!! !! description of format of file .sheets each record is a sheet. :status expiration date title of the sheet description of the sheet yes/no --> if yes use a special file sheet$i.def for presentation use (instead of the theme) format of a doc comment (display only for teacher) icone 1 or 0 according to exo description shown or not to students (only for OEF exercises). Condition to hide the sheet with a technical variable name of the technical variable for individualisation of the sheet (use in line 11 for each exercise of the sheet) !! !! description of format of file .sheet$i each record is a series of exercices :module parameters points weight title description score dependency comment (display only for teacher) internal link for help icone list of values for which the exercise is open for the student (individualisation of the sheet by the technical variable) !! !! description of format of file .exams each record is an exam :status expiration date timesession numbertry title of the exam description of the exam cut time comment (display only for teacher) Condition to hide the sheet with a technical variable !! !! description of format of file .exam$i each record is an exercise :weight list of exercise format sheet.exo title score dependency !! !! description of format of file .freeworks each record is an freework :status (0=in preparation, 1=active, 2=expired, 3=archived) date (but not in use) title of freework description of freework comment (display only for teacher) type of freework (1, 2 or 3) YYYYMMDD.HH.MM (end of work for student) YYYYMMDD.HH.MM (begin of solution display) sizelimitfile (for student deposit file) scoring (no/-1/number of manual score ) seealltime (1/0 1:supervisor can always see work of student 0:only after date end of student work) studentclose (1/0 1:button for early consigne) !! !! description of format of file .freework$k it depend of type... !! description of docindex each record is the data associated to an inserted document :adress of the public document parameters title of the inserted document description of the inserted document status number of the sheet associated to the document autosheet_ ???